Tag - workshop

How not to seize the engine?
How not to seize the engine?

Check it out if you want to avoid high car repair costs. A seized engine is a very serious fault and a big expense

Summer tires – when should you put them on?
Summer tires – when should you put them on?

Want to know when is the right time to replace your winter tires with summer tires? Find out if it’s worth doing, as well as the best months to visit a vulcanist.

Run Flat – what does it mean?
Run Flat – what does it mean?

Wondering what is Run Flat? It’s a tire with certain specifications that maintains stability and grip on the road, even after a puncture. Find out what else you should know about them.

Catalytic converter – what is it used for and why can’t it be cut out?
Catalytic converter – what is it used for and why can’t it be cut out?

Wondering what a catalytic converter is and what it is responsible for? Find out how to proceed if your catalytic converter fails or wears out. Is cutting out the catalytic converter a good option?

Mangle – what is it, what is it used for and how to operate it?
Mangle – what is it, what is it used for and how to operate it?

What is a steering pinion? Can it be repaired? When do you know that it is definitely the one that has failed? Do you want to find out everything? Read this article!

Timing replacement – what does it mean and what does it involve?
Timing replacement – what does it mean and what does it involve?

Is it better to undertake it yourself or call a professional? We check how to replace the timing gear!

These items should be checked in the car before the first long journey
These items should be checked in the car before the first long journey

Going on a long road trip in your car? Be sure to get a proper inspection to ensure a safe ride.

Red lights – what do most of them mean?
Red lights – what do most of them mean?

In this short text, we will discuss the most important issue related to the dashboard and display, the meaning of red lights. Do they really all force you to come to an abrupt stop?

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Learning to ride a motorcycle – where should you start?
Would you like to finally learn how to ride a motorcycle? The best choice would be a course with a theoretical and practical part. You will learn the regulations and at the same time you will learn how to ride safely!
Winter tires all year round? Better not try
Winter tires all year round? Better not try
All year round on winter tires? Is it good for the tires, and more importantly, safe for the driver and passengers?
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When buying a car, many people pay attention to the color. Although this issue in no way affects the technical parameters of the vehicle, it is an important part of choosing the perfect car.
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