How to efficiently arrange luggage in a car trunk?

How to efficiently arrange luggage in a car trunk?
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When going on a trip, we often focus solely on what to bring with us. However, we don’t take into account how to efficiently place our luggage in the car trunk

Don’t wait until the last minute

Never leave packing your luggage to the last minute. Why? Rushing is a bad advisor when we are pressed for time. We are stressed, we try to quickly deal with all the confusion, but the result is even more confusion. We do not want our luggage to be thrown in chaotically or squeezed into the trunk by force. So it’s best to pack your car the day before you leave or at least a few hours before your trip. Then we will be able to arrange the suitcases and bags more efficiently and safely – both for the passengers and the load itself.

Remember about security!

If we want to ensure safety, we cannot afford chaos and lack of precision. Let’s check in advance how much space we have in our car, whether we have any additional mountings or organizers. If not, maybe it is worth to invest in them? Remember that luggage should not lie loose and fall over. Sometimes you may not realize that improperly secured can increase the risk of damage in the event of a collision, as well as indirectly contribute to fatal injury to the traveler. This is especially dangerous for children, who are usually closest to the trunk.

Speaking of safety, remember to leave the first aid kit and warning triangle out in the open, in an easily accessible place. Time is of the essence in an emergency situation. Let’s not create a situation where we have to spend it searching for necessary first aid items.

Start with the essentials

When the packing stage is over, it is worth noting the size of individual suitcases and bags. The largest items should be placed in the trunk first, which means at the bottom. They should also be placed as far down as possible, i.e. into the rear seats, so that they allow you to close the trunk lid freely. It’s also a good idea to fasten them with straps or buy a specially mounted net, which will keep our luggage in one place

Things placed in the trunk should resemble a pyramid shape. However, make sure that they do not protrude beyond the line of the backrests of the rear seats. In estate cars, a sliding blind will prove useful. Firstly, it determines the maximum level of loading the trunk. Secondly, it protects our suitcases against sunlight. Thirdly, the contents of the trunk are invisible to prying eyes and potential thieves. Fourth, it gives you a clear view out the rear window, so you can take full advantage of the rearview mirror function

Make good use of space for smaller items

Once you have packed the biggest luggage, you need to take care of the smallest packages. The best places to do this are the empty spaces and gaps between larger bags. Try to make 100% use of them. Things like sleeping bag, baby blanket or other accessories will fit practically everywhere. There should also be no problem with toys such as a beach ball

What to do when you have too much luggage?

What to do when you’ve tried a lot of combinations and your luggage still doesn’t fit? There are two possible solutions. The first one is to reduce your luggage. Carefully consider whether you really need all the things you have. It may turn out that we can get rid of some of them. The second way is to use the space in the passenger cabin. Lockers, pockets, and even the back seat (if there are no other passengers) can be used as places to store our luggage. However, keep in mind safety during the trip and properly secure the items that are close to you.

There is one more possibility. It is to buy a roof rack. Admittedly, it increases fuel consumption but it means that we do not have to worry and drastically reduce the amount of our stuff.


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