Tag - ride comfort - Page 4

The most beautiful cars designed by women
The most beautiful cars designed by women

Learn about the unique and iconic car models that were created by women.

No air in the wheels on the highway – what to do?
No air in the wheels on the highway – what to do?

Changing a wheel on the highway is not possible in most cases. What to do when you run out of air in your tire? We present it step by step, check it out!

First motorcycle for a woman – what will be perfect?
First motorcycle for a woman – what will be perfect?

Have you passed your motorcycle license? You’ve finally learned to ride, so is it time to buy a unicycle? If you’re not sure what to go for, check out this list of female-friendly motorcycles!

How to safely replace a wheel on a highway – a guide
How to safely replace a wheel on a highway – a guide

How to safely replace a wheel on an expressway or highway? Here are the rules to follow to keep yourself and others safe.

When should you invest in new tires? Here are the golden rules
When should you invest in new tires? Here are the golden rules

The tires on every car wear out gradually, and sometimes other factors determine the end of their useful life. At what point should you replace your tires with new ones?

What negatively affects fuel economy? Key issues
What negatively affects fuel economy? Key issues

Excessive fuel consumption is a concern for many drivers who want to reduce their operating costs. What can negatively affect the combustion?

Are electric cars safe? How do they handle crash tests?
Are electric cars safe? How do they handle crash tests?

There is no doubt that electrics contribute to the environment, but what about safety?

TOP5 best inductive chargers for car
TOP5 best inductive chargers for car

Inductive charger is a device with the help of which we can charge various devices. Wireless charger is perfect for traveling by car. Which model will be the best?

What should a newborn baby eat before traveling?
What should a newborn baby eat before traveling?

A baby’s meal before a trip should be well thought out. This is extremely important – poorly chosen food can cause stomach problems and discomfort while driving.

A long journey with a child – how to survive it?
A long journey with a child – how to survive it?

A long journey, especially on a hot day, can be very tiring for adults. Children feel it even more – […]

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First motorcycle for a woman – what will be perfect?
First motorcycle for a woman – what will be perfect?
Have you passed your motorcycle license? You've finally learned to ride, so is it time to buy a unicycle? If you're not sure what to go for, check out this list of female-friendly motorcycles!
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Are you looking for an easy and effective way to get your car body sparkling and shining?
June McCarroll – who is the automotive revolutionary?
June McCarroll – who is the automotive revolutionary?
There are and have been many women in the automotive world who have changed the face of this seemingly male-dominated world. June McCarroll is one such example. What did she do that is still remembered today?
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